CAROL singing: The carol singers from Immanuel with St Mark's, who sang outside Sainsbury's on December 23, raised the magnificent sum of £251.

The money raised will go to the charity NCH Action for Children.

The church would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated and to Sainsbury's for providing the singers with hot drinks.

HATCH Warren WI: Last week, the WI held an informal meeting to encourage new members along to try out the WI for the first time.

Hatch Warren WI is, in fact, the youngest WI in the area, and meetings are definitely not spent making jam or singing Jerusalem!

Most of the members lead very busy lives with families and/or jobs to juggle.

Meetings are informal, with very little "official" business and plenty of time to socialise and meet new people.

The WI meets on the first Thursday of every month at the community centre from 8pm.

Visitors and new members are always welcome, so why not give it a try - it will be very different from your expectations!

For further details, contact Sandra on 469224.

LINE dancing: Line dancing is back at the community centre following its Christmas break.

Classes take place on Tuesdays with the beginners class at 7.15pm and improvers/intermediates from 8pm. All sessions cost £4. For further details, please call Michelle St Vincent on 762638.

HATCH Warren Over-50s: The group ended its autumn term with a Christmas lunch at the Hilton Hotel.

It was a very happy occasion, attended by 26 members, with everyone enjoying the good food, good service and lively company.

Later that week, the club was invited to the dress rehearsal of St Mark's School concert, where the members were able to enjoy the talents and dedication of the children and teachers.

The welcome back meeting for this new term is today, at the church rooms in St Mark's School, Danebury Road, from 10am until noon. They look forward to meeting old and new friends.