ONE of Winchester's best-known faces has announced he is to run as MP for Winchester at the next general election.

Environmental campaigner King Arthur Pendragon says he will challenge the city's current MP, Liberal Democrat Mark Oaten, in a bid to take over the political reins.

Arthur, who is a pagan priest and druid swordbearer, says he is making the move because he is sick of hearing politicians break their promises to the people of Winchester.

Arthur has been camped out by the city's new controversial park-and-ride facility at Bar End, where he and a determined band of eco-warriors are protesting against the building work.

The protesters say the government, Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council have lied to them over promises to retain a wildflower meadow that the new car park has now been built on.

In an open letter to the media, Arthur says: "Having spent the past six months in Winchester protesting over the government, county and city council's compliance and lack of honour over pledges to the people of Winchester with regard to the Bar End meadow, I cannot but note an amount of complicity between the authorities.

"As a former parliamentary candidate (Independent) for Aldershot, having stood twice and on both occasions embarrassed a national party into last place, it is now my intention to stand for Winchester at the next general election.

"Not so much on single issue politics but single honour politicians.

"Not as an anti-sleaze candidate in a white suit, but as a pro-honour candidate in a white robe.

"Not as a party politician but as an Independent tied to no party line."

However, the announcement does not seem to have concerned the city's other political hopefuls.

George Hollingbery, the prospective Conservative parliamentary candidate for Winchester, said: "In the great spirit of the British democracy I am always delighted to see anyone put there name forward and put their faith in parliamentary elections.

"But I have to say that if he does get elected then I expect to see Excalibur rise from the end of the Bar End park-and-ride car park!"