MY kingdom for a horse (or two), although after the battle you'll need some-where to put them to bed!

Rooks Farm in Rotherwick has recently had grazing and stabling for a pair of equine friends made available, with a handy five-acre field next door to play in.

One owner is preferred, so if you know of someone looking for a two-horse bunk who would benefit from the rural life, please give Farmer Jones a ring on 762113.

CHARITY begins at home. Many thanks to all who contributed to the overwhelming success of both the Harvest supper and the famous Rotherwick gift fair.

The Harvest supper raised nearly £1,000 for parish coffers, and proceeds from the gift fair totalled £17,000 - a new record - to benefit the Odiham Cottage Hospital, Saxon Wood School in Basingstoke, and the Beech Hill horticultural charity Thrive. A big pat on the back to you all.