On September 2, at Christ the King Church, there was a service of remembrance in memory of people known to the congregation who had departed this world.

The service began with the hymn Be Thou My Vision and a reading from the 23rd psalm.

My parents and grandparents died many years go, so I like to think they found Peace Perfect Peace - the name of another hymn.

A CHRISTMAS fair will be held at the church on Saturday, November 22, from 1pm to 4pm.

Fascinating stalls, refreshments and Father Christmas will be there to encourage young and not so young ones to come along.

BY contrast, Brighton Hill Community Association had a Hallowe'en party on October 31.

Unfortunately I missed the party, but would like to have seen the ghosts, candles, broomsticks and witches in their tall, black hats.

I attended an open evening at Cranbourne School last month.

As a school governor at the Manor Field schools, I was interested to visit the school and discover what awaits pupils when they are old enough to join the senior school.

Older pupils work with younger children so that they will settle in well.

Cranbourne seems a fine school.