A MILKMAN is to lose his job after being banned for drink-driving.

Tony Manton, of Paddock Road, South Ham, Basingstoke, has been a milkman for the last 15 years but can no long carry out deliveries after magistrates banned him from driving for 12 months.

The 40-year-old father-of-four was stopped by police on the evening of October 22 after attending a social event. A reading of 72mg of alcohol in his breath was recorded - just over twice the legal drink-drive limit.

Stuart Ranson, defending, told the court that Manton, who had earlier pleaded guilty, was not aware that the amount he had drunk that night would put him over the limit and that he believed his driving was safe.

Mr Ranson described Manton's situation as desperate, saying: "The consequences are severe as his occupation is that of a milkman, and he has been one for 15 years. The result of a driving disqualification means that the job goes.

"In addition to the loss of that job, he is, in fact, living in his father's house who is 90 per cent disabled. He can do little for himself and Mr Manton is his sole keeper.

"He will now have to work around changes in his and his father's lifestyles."

As well as the driving ban, magistrates fined Manton £75 and ordered him to pay £34 costs. He was told his ban could be reduced to nine months upon the successful completion of a driver rehabilitation course.