PARISH council news: The draft Welcome leaflet for new residents to Sherfield Park was tabled and noted that Donald Dawson would print it. Any profit from advertising is to be donated to the Loddon Link.

Regarding the Parish Plan, a letter of intent is to be presented at the next meeting (November 18). The chairman reported on various meetings he'd attended, including the incinerator liaison panel.

Overgrown hedges in Goddards Close were discussed, as was the position of the village bottle banks. The chairman has contacted the borough council about the environmental health implications. More parish council news next week.

AUCTION: The Rev Politt reported during the Sunday service at St Leonard's that the recent auction had raised almost £1,000.

The presentation after the service proposed a project for a meeting room with facilities for use by all, with emphasis on the future of the church within a growing environment.

ERNEST! The Importance of Being Ernest, the Oscar Wilde favourite, was read and enjoyed by Sherfield NWR at their October meeting.

Coming up for NWR in November - a visit to the Loddon School, a trip to the Watermill to see An Ideal Husband and a telephone quiz.