"HE slipped the surly bonds of earth...to touch the face of God."

If you were driving through the village last Friday lunchtime you could not fail to notice the 300-plus people gathered at Rotherwick church. They were there to say farewell to Esmond Ligget, from Newnham, aged 44, who tragically died doing what he loved best, in a sky-diving accident, the previous weekend.

The whole of the Red Devils flying team and the British Parachute Team were present as well as family and friends from all over the country.

The five Ligget children attend Whitewater School and our thoughts and prayers are with them and his wife, Jane, at this sad time.

Many thanks to Andy and Lindy at the Falcon who provided succour and space to remember the good times after the service.

HERE are riches, according to the former director of the Royal Opera House, commenting on a new book just published by our very own parish organist, Michael Steen. (It was also mentioned in Andrew Marr's "Notebook" column in the Telegraph last week!)

His Lives and Times of the Great Composers outlines the behind-the-scenes social framework that led to the great classical masterpieces and reveals the men (and families!) behind the music.