WELCOME: There's a new arrival on Ellisfield's Axford Road - Jonathan Zdzylowski, a brother for Hannah and Olivia.

Jonathan weighed in at 9lb 7oz on October 13 at 10.03am, and he and his mother, Tracey, are doing very well.

PARISH council meetings: Under the previous parish council, meetings used to be every month, but the newly-elected parish council decided at its last meeting in September not to meet at all during October.

This means the first opportunity for anyone to question it in public will be at its next meeting on November 3, in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.

Do villagers want to know what is being done about spreading treated sewage on local fields?

Do they believe masts deface our beautiful country-side and may be dangerous?

Are residents pleased to see the newly-painted white lines on our lanes?

Are the soakaways clear and ready for downpours?

What progress has there been on finding a new clerk?

HALLOWEEN: Everyone is invited to the Ellisfield Memorial Hall on Halloween, Friday, October 31, for a very special evening of very special music.

The Ensemble Champagne Quartet will provide the entertainment. Supper is included but bring your own drink, knife, fork, spoon and, I suspect, glass.

Tickets are available from Roger Graham or memorial hall committee members.

The Horticultural Society meet on Thursday, in Cliddesden's Millennium Hall, for a talk entitled "The Garden in Autumn".