MS SOCIETY: The Basingstoke branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society is holding a fundraising event in Hatch Warren today, at the community centre, between 12.15pm and 2.15pm.

You will find cake stalls, Christmas crafts, speciality chocolates and more.

SKATE park meeting: A meeting was due to be held in Hatch Warren last Tuesday, to discuss the borough council's latest plans for a joint skate park for Hatch Warren and Brighton Hill in the playing fields alongside Cliddesden Lane. Further details next week.

NEW entry at St Mark's: St Mark's Primary School is inviting parents of children due to start school in September 2004 to visit the school on one of the following dates: November 4, 10 and 20, December 2 and January 13.

All these meetings start at 1.30pm. There is also an evening meeting starting at 7.30pm on November 27.

If you would like to arrange a visit, please telephone the school office on 346111.

The school requests that you make alternative arrangements for your children while you are there.

Children joining the school in 2004 will be invited to visit during the summer term.

NEW playgrounds: Details of the new play area planned for Woodland Park have been made public.

An exciting adventure playground for four to 11-year-olds with ropes, tunnels and platforms will sit alongside an area designed for toddlers.

Please contact Richard Willmott on 845480 or with your views.