HAPPY ninth birthday to Matthew Harman, love from mum, dad and Scott.

THE Mayor's Charity Appeal: Basingstoke Ladies Choir is holding a concert on Saturday, November 8, at the United Reformed Church, London Street.

It will be in aid of two charities, the Cardiac Rehab Centre at Alton and the North Hampshire Medical Fund's Early Bird Appeal.

The mayor recently had a quadruple heart bypass operation, and it was the Rehab centre who helped him recover, so he wishes to raise money for the centre.

The other charity he is concerned with is the Early Bird Appeal, to provide local people with an effective, life-saving endoscopy service.

Making a guest appearance at the concert will be the Cotswold Male Voice Choir, who are no strangers to Basingstoke.

The concert starts at 7.30pm, and tickets, priced at £7 (£6 concessions), are available from Modern Music, at the door, or from choir members.

BASINGSTOKE Ladies Choir: Are you young enough to qualify for tickets to its free senior citizens' Christmas concert to be held at Church Cottage, St Michael's, on Saturday, December 6? Please contact 01256 781392 as soon as possible, as there are limited spaces available.