SOME residents of Oakridge Towers have been very busy knitting and they have made lots of squares and blankets which they have delivered to Parklands.

Lots of wool is still needed. If you have any to spare, contact Helen Parry on 01256 465711, who will be extremely grateful.

The residents also have a coffee morning once a week, and any loose change is put in a jar which is emptied once a month. The proceeds are sent periodically to the hospice. The last amount sent was £415, an excellent effort.

I HAVE just seen a copy of the Oakridge Regeneration update, published by Sentinel. In it is ment-ioned that Myland Close is due to be demolished in November, no day is given yet.

Sentinel is planning an open day at the Oakridge Hall For All in November, to display plans for phase three and to identify which footpath accesses will be closed for the demolition work.

NEWS from South View Junior School: The school supported a Macmillan coffee morning for Cancer Relief.

The total raised was £52, an excellent effort.

Two members of the Basingstoke Bison ice hockey team recently visited the school. As part of their support, they have offered a number of free tickets to the match on Saturday, November 1.