ALLOTMENTS: It is unfortunate that Jo Jaundy has had to step down from the position of secretary to the Allotment Association due to the pressure of family commitments.

Jo worked tirelessly for about two years and she will be sadly missed. Sally Friday has offered her services to keep the society going.

Currently their seed catalogue is available with the offer of cut price seeds to members. Where else can you get a thousand Webbs lettuce seeds for just 40p?

You can contact Sally on 323602 if you are interested in joining the allotment society.

FIREWORKS: Following the Basinga article from Pc Andy Steele about fireworks, the parish council is backing this appeal to be careful with fireworks and bonfires leading up to Guy Fawkes Night.

Please bear in mind the animals, the elderly and the many ancient thatched houses in and around the village when lighting the blue touch paper. PALACE of Westminster: Some villagers were lucky enough to see the delights of the palace last Saturday evening.

In a long passage between the Lords and the Commons there is a large mural depicting the scene of the storming of Old Basing House.

PLEASE contact me on the number above or e-mail me at