JUMBLE Sale: More than £377 was raised for hall funds at the recent jumble sale.

Many thanks from the hall committee for all the support on the day and to the people who came along and bought things. This money is needed for the upkeep of the hall.

"VOICES For Hospices" Concert: A total of £395 was raised at the concert that they gave with Tadley Concert Brass recently. This money will go to St Michael's Hospice, Basingstoke.

The evening was really enjoyable with music that most of us in the audience knew.

It's great to know that we've got so many talented musicians and singers locally, who are happy to give up some of their time to support local charities.

CRAFT & Discussion Group: November's meeting will see the return of June Hughes, with a demonstration of "Encaustic Art". The meeting will be at the village hall on Tuesday, November 4, starting at 7.30pm.

June will be bringing along honey and the bees-wax products that she makes, so come along and enjoy a friendly evening, learn a new craft and get some Christmas presents.