THE CAR boot sale at John Hunt School was very popular and very busy, as usual.

There must have been 50-or-so booters out on the grass. Brilliant!

FUN sing-along sessions for parents, babies and toddlers, every Monday, from 10.30am to 11.30am, at St Gabriel's Hall, Tewkesbury Close.

The cost is £3 per session, no booking required, just turn up. Refreshments are included. For more details, contact Joy on 01256 327268.

CHINEHAM Park Pre-school is based in Chineham Park School, Shakespeare Road. It offers a wide range of activities, including the use of musical instruments, PE equipment and outdoor play-grounds, as well as a vast range of toys and creative equipment.

For further information, please call 01256 464750 or 412720, or e-mail

CAN you spare a couple of hours to help make Popley an even nicer place to live? Local people are coming together to start caring for Popley Ponds.

The great crested newts who live here are beginning to hibernate, so now is the time to try to improve this protected habitat.

Meet in the car park at the end of Tobago Close on Sunday, November, 9 at 10am.