A HAMSPHIRE mum has been forced to keep her 12-year-old son off school after he came home with bite marks on his leg following a vicious bullying attack.

Kai Shaw, from Barnfield Close, Weston, has been subjected to a year of torment from fellow pupils at Chamberlayne Park School since he joined in September last year.

His mum, Tracey, said the Year 8 youngster has been kicked, head-butted, called names and bitten during the last year, but claimed staff at the school were not doing enough to combat the problems, which have left her son a nervous wreck.

Kai is now too frightened to go to his local youth club, or to stay at home by himself. He has been suffering nightmares and the traumatic attacks have been aggravating his asthma.

Miss Shaw, 37, is meeting with the school's head teacher, Richard Hilary, today but is refusing to let Kai go back until the problem has been permanently resolved.

She said: "I just seem to be banging my head against a brick wall. Kai's depressed now and he won't stay at home on his own in case they turn up.

"He came ninth in his year last year, so he's quite bright.

"You can guarantee if he goes to school for five days then I'm up there two or three days a week.

"I've demanded that something's done and they said they've told the boys to stay at home for one day to calm them down but that's not good enough.

"You read in the paper so many times that kids have committed suicide and I don't want my kids going down that road."

Mr Hilary said: "There's an anti bullying policy at the school which is fully accredited by the local education authority. We also do lots of pro-active work to try and prevent bullying.

"We deal with each alleged incident of bullying individually and as seen fit in the circumstances with each of the parents of all the children alleged to be involved."