A KINGSCLERE father with a history of substance abuse could be evicted after he allowed his daughter to take drugs in the house.

Stephen Gromowski-Cook, of Elm Grove, Kingsclere, was sentenced to 50 hours community service by Basingstoke magistrates on Tuesday, after pleading guilty to the charge of permitting the use of heroin on his premises and a second charge of possession of cannabis.

He was also ordered to pay £50 costs.

During the proceedings, the court heard how Gromowski-Cook, 51, had 16 previous convictions for drug-related offences.

Paul Chong, representing the defendant, told the court that his client could lose his property, which belongs to the Sentinel Housing Group, because of the latest convictions.

Gromowski-Cook is currently unemployed. He was arrested and charged following a raid at the house on August 4, this year, where police discovered a small quantity of cannabis and drug-related equipment, including a set of weighing scales.

Gromowski-Cook admitted to police that the 16th of an ounce of cannabis, which was found wrapped in foil inside a black sock, was his, and that he allowed his daughter, Melanie Cook, to take heroin on the premises. He attributed the paraphernalia to her.

Mr Chong said: "You have before you a 51-year-old man who has a long history of drug taking, and this has gone on to the next generation, as his daughter is addicted to stronger drugs.

"Because his daughter is now a drug addict, he would prefer that if she has to take them, it would be in his home, rather than other places. In so far as cannabis use, it is not a great amount, but he is now in danger of losing his property."

Speaking after the sentencing, Ben Giles, a spokesman for Sentinel, said: "We take drug offences and other forms of anti-social behaviour extremely seriously.

"Mr Gromowski-Cook has broken his tenancy agreement, which states the premises must not be used for anything immoral or illegal. Sentinel Housing Group is considering what further action is to be taken."