Eastleigh MAYOR Councillor Glynn Davies-Dear has officially opened the Lighthouse - an eco-housing project.

The property at 51 Wilmer Road has been transformed from an ordinary terraced house into an eco-home with solar panels, energy saving features, water saving devices and a wildlife garden.

The house will be open to the public until December 6.

Local residents are being encouraged to visit the Light-house to get ideas for their own homes and to get advice from staff on the grants that are available for energy saving and renewable energy measures.

The house is open on weekdays from midday to 2pm and also Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 4pm.

Anne Winstanley, Eastleigh's executive councillor for social policy, says: "The Lighthouse is an example of how homes which are good for the environment are within the reach of everyone."

Louise Bloom, executive member for the environment, added: "The Lighthouse is an excellent opportunity for residents to see solar energy in action."

The house is a joint initiative between Eastleigh Council and New Downland Housing Association. Many other partners have contributed to development of the project.

At the end of the public opening period the house will be let to a tenant.