THE future of a leisure centre that faced closure has been safeguarded after visitor numbers tripled following radical changes.

Meadowside Leisure Centre in Whiteley was haemorrhaging money through low visitor numbers.

But after a drastic rescue action plan was implemented and a new manager appointed this year the centre's fortunes have improved.

Sweeping changes were introduced including offering staff more secure contracts and increasing local awareness through marketing.

User numbers have tripled, membership of the fitness suite has doubled and turnover has shot up from £70,000 a year when it opened to £108,000 projected for this year.

Winchester councillor Therese Evans, Cabinet member for community services, said: "This is a great success story.

"We have turned its fortunes around and involved the community. Membership is increasing and we are very pleased with it."

The centre built in 2000 and run by Winchester City Council with a view to handing over responsibility to the community.

But to ensure the success story continues, Winchester wants to retain control of the centre because the community does not have the capacity or expertise to run it.

Don Bate, chairman of Whiteley Parish Council, which meets in the leisure centre, said: "The parish council is quite happy for Winchester to continue to manage Meadowside. There are various reasons, not the least of which is that they have the necessary expertise to run an establishment of this type.

"It is doing very well and providing a good service for locals. But we don't necessarily think they should run it for ever."