Martin Livesey, who had not played a first team game for two seasons, bagged 18 points as he guided Winchester to a monumental comeback win at Andover on Saturday.

The self-effacing 40-year-old fly half was brought in to provide an experienced backbone to the team and played a major part in ending Winchester's run of four defeats.

Far from being a distraction, this hard and physical cup encounter was just what they needed to stop them dwelling on the league debacle of the previous week. But having made a useful start, the visitors conceded two quick tries, one converted, that exposed their defensive frailties out wide.

Livesey gave his side a toehold on the game with a simple penalty, before Andover, playing with spirit and purpose, pounced on slipshod defensive work to score again. The missed conversion and several wayward penalties kept Winchester's half-time deficit to 17-3 - within two converted scores. The pack, which had spluttered fitfully to life when playing down the slope, really began to rumble up it after the break.

Over-confidence in the Andover ranks cost them dear as the combined Winchester legions began the long march back. The hosts' game disintegrated before a healthy crowd on a sunny autumn afternoon. But it wasn't the weather that inspired a Winchester rearguard action - it was the ever crafty Livesey who did just that.

Taking his cue from Rolf Stratford, who had come on as a substitute, Livesey orchestrated the move that sent full back Simon Rogers flying over and then converted the try to put his side within seven points of their opponents.

However, all the good work seemed to be coming undone again with the sin-binning of lock Campbell Ettinger for a late tackle. And while the pack was under-strength, Winchester conceded two penalties, stretching the Andover lead to 23-10. Undaunted, Winchester battled on to victory, the significance of which will only be seen when they return to league action.

Meanwhile the Martin Livesey show continued with a try under the posts from a short-range burst, making the conversion a formality. And Winchester pulled to within a point as Rob West, another second half substitute, did what he does best in going on an elusive run that brought him a try through a cluster of defenders and sent the travelling Winchester supporters wild with delight at 23-22.

Livesey then threatened, briefly, to turn from hero to villain as he missed two penalties which he would normally slot over in his sleep. But a harassed Andover defence granted a reprieve, giving him two more chances he did not waste. The comeback was complete.

The final demonstration of just how much the home side's game had crumbled under pressure came when the referee, indicating one minute of injury time to play, awarded them a penalty on the Winchester twenty-two. They opted for a kick into the corner, with a catch and drive from the lineout the obvious ploy. But the kick went dead, and so were Andover.