A NEW community centre for residents of Andover's River Way and Pilgrims Way is near completion.

The Phoenix Centre is a result of several years of hard work.

The idea of the new centre came from the residents.

In April 2002 Test Valley Borough Council received a petition signed by 250 residents asking for something to be done with the old Way Out Club.

Members of the Pilgrims/River Way Community Association met with councillors, architects and contractors recently to see the progress.

Marcus Sawkins, community association member, said: "It's great to see plans finally turning into bricks and mortar and it will be even better when we can officially open the doors and fill the place with activities for local people."

This £433,000 building was funded by Test Valley Borough Council with the help of a £12,500 grant from Hampshire County Council.

The new community centre will contain a main activity hall, meeting room and skills training room.

Cricklade College will use the new centre for training and skills programmes and Hampshire Youth Service will be responsible for holding youth activities.

It is planned that by the end of the year the centre will be leased to the community association to manage the day-to-day running.