A SPOOKY disco for children in Overton will be held on 1 November at St Luke's Hall.

Organiser Paul Green, the village police officer, arranged the Hallowe'en party after the usual event held at Overton Primary School was cancelled by governors.

Pc Green said: "Personally I believe the spooky disco is a bit of harmless fun although I accept that everyone has their own point of view. I do not support anyone doing trick or treat but I am happy for children to use their imagination and dress up and have fun at a supervised disco."

Youngsters are encouraged to dress up and prizes will be awarded for the best costumes.

The disco will be split into two age groups - from 6pm until 7.15pm the disco will be for children aged five to seven and from 7.30pm until 9pm for eight to 11-year-olds.

Tickets cost £1 and are available from Pc Green, Paul's Men's Styling in Winchester Street and the Spar in Greyhound Lane.

All profits from the event will be donated to Project Berrydown.

Pc Green added: "I expect this to be a popular event for the local children and although I have a few volunteers to help I would welcome any offers of support."

To help or for more information, contact Pc Green on 07776 172303.