A UNIQUE partnership bid for specialist schools' status by the town's secondary schools has been delayed due to lack of funding.

Harrow Way Community School, John Hanson Community School and Winton School need to raise £150,000 before their respective bids for performing arts, science and technology status can be submitted.

The combined bid, being co-ordinated by The Andover Schools' Network, was due to be put to the DfES this month.

But with only £78,000 raised so far, the schools will now submit their bid in March.

Co-ordinator Jackie Pohnert said despite the delay, it's hoped the schools can still gain status by the original target of September 2004.

"The schools are disappointed they cannot submit because all three have good working bids," she said. "But we're still aiming to submit in March ready for September.

For the full story see Friday's Andover Advertiser.