The Herbal Bed - Maskers Theatre Company, Maskers Studio, Shirley

THIS is a cleverly crafted play by Peter Whelan based on the few facts we know about Shakespeare's family.

The famous poet's daughter Susanna is married to a reputable doctor, John Hall, in what to the outside world seems a perfectly healthy marriage.

Sickness sets in when slanderous accusations of adultery are levelled at Susanna and her husband's friend, Rafe Smith.

Reputations, religious faith and happiness are at stake as lies escalate like an infectious disease.

In such an intimate space, emotions have to be convincing and the tension that should run throughout this drama was never quite achieved.

However, Matt Avery puts in a good performance as the country gentleman turned cad, relishing bad behaviour and rebelliousness, and Emma Carrington plays the loyal maid with conviction.

The set had some good detail, but the long, thin layout sometimes reduced the action to that of a tennis match.