HAMPSHIRE cricket star Shaun Udal has been banned from club cricket for three years after being found guilty of 'physical violence' on another player.

The 34-year-old spinner was punished for an offence which took place while playing for Camberley, who are captained by his brother Gary, in the Surrey Championship against Cranleigh in July.

Udal was batting when became embroiled in an argument with opponent Alex Wyatt and they had to be separated by members of the Cranleigh side.

Udal said: "It takes a lot to get me riled. When I was batting, one of the opposition players severely insulted one of my team-mates. A minor fracas took place with a bit of pushing and shoving but there was no fighting and certainly no punches were thrown.

"Sadly the umpires didn't step in, which is rather symptomatic of the week officiating that can exist in club cricket.

"I am not going to lose any sleep over the punishment. The disciplinary committee presumably decided they wanted to make an example of me and that is precisely what they have done."

Hampshire manager Paul Terry said: "This was completely out of character (by Shaun) , we don't plan to take the matter any further."