POLICE in Southampton are to display an Aladdin's cave of stolen property in a bid to reunite burglary victims with their treasured possessions.

Officers from the city's burglary investigation unit are inviting people along to view more than 100 exhibits which will be put on public view for the first time tomorrow.

Members of the public can go along to Hampshire police's divisional headquarters in Hulse Road, Southampton, between noon and 3pm to see if they recognise any of the stolen property.

The massive haul of antique pictures, furniture, jewellery, bowls, vases, clocks and other items was seized when police executed a search warrant at an address as part of on-going inquiries into house burglaries across the city.

Det Sgt Phil Bateman said the items were "older" or antique as opposed to being modern electrical equipment.

"We are looking to try and identify the victims of crime from whom this stolen property has come," he said.

"Members of the public are invited to come along and view the property seized to see if they can recognise any of it as their own."

Call the burglary investigation unit on 023 8059 9997 for more information. A second Aladdin's cave may be arranged in the near future if there is sufficient response from the public.