SEVEN places for problem children could be created at a mainstream school in Eastleigh.

Plans to accommodate the children with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD) at Cherbourg Primary School have been backed by the governors and the head teacher Julie Greer.

Now parents of pupils at the Cherbourg Road school will have a chance to give their opinion about the proposals as part of a public consultation.

Hampshire County Council's executive member for education, Councillor Don Allen, has cleared the way for talks to begin with the community on ways to improve provision for EBD children in central Hampshire.

At present there are no specialist places in either mainstream or special schools in or around Eastleigh for primary-aged pupils with EBD.

It means pupils have had to travel considerable distances.

Now, the views of the school community at Cherbourg - including parents - will be sought. Official bodies such as Eastleigh and Test Valley South Primary Care Trust, social services and the Southampton local education authority will also be consulted.

Cherbourg Primary serves the central area of Eastleigh. It currently has 336 pupils but has room for 378.

The county council says the governing body and head teacher have given their support to the proposal that the school should receive the extra resources to provide special education for seven pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, subject to the outcome of further consultation.

Cllr Allen said: "It is clear that pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties in the Eastleigh area need locally-provided specialist support.

"Resourced provision at Cherbourg primary would ensure that the needs of more pupils are being met in this area."