RUNNERS from across Hampshire will be stepping out in aid of Southampton-based charity Leukaemia Busters when they take part in a five-mile road race.

The event, the Hoburne 5 Road Race, is organised by the charity in conjunction with holiday park operator Hoburne, which has two facilities in New Milton.

Rising athletics star Charlotte Moore and her trainer Christina Boxer will be there on Saturday to support the event, which kicks off from Hoburne Park in Christchurch, Dorset, at 11am.

For the less energetic, there will also be a range of activities in the park's clubhouse and a carvery lunch is available.

Nigel Impey, fundraising manager for Leukaemia Busters, said: "As a charity we rely heavily on fundraising and we were pleased to be chosen as the beneficiary of the road race.

"We will be running a stall at the park on the day and hope to be able to talk to runners, families and visitors about the important work we do, and about our latest campaign to save clinical trials."

The charity's vital work in finding treatments for leukaemia is under threat by the possible introduction of a new EU legislation which would see the cost of clinical trials soar from less than £50,000 to £1m.