THE deaths of an elderly couple who collapsed at their Totton home look set to remain a mystery after carbon monoxide poisoning was ruled out.

New tests have established that Michael White, 78, and his wife June, 74, were not overcome by fumes from a boiler at their bungalow.

The couple were found dead when a carer called at their home during a cold spell at the end of last month.

Staff from two gas safety organisations inspected the semi-detached property amid fears they could have been killed by carbon monoxide.

Toxicology tests ordered after the original post-mortem examination have shown the tragedy was not caused by the presence of the deadly gas.

It appears that the couple's deaths were either a tragic coincidence or the result of one pensioner collapsing after finding the other dead.

Police are still waiting to receive all the relevant paperwork from the pathologist.

However, detectives are satisfied that Mr and Mrs White died of natural causes and say they are not planning to conduct any further investigations.

Relatives will now be allowed access to the couple's home, which has been sealed off since their bodies were found on September 26.

The spokesman said: "Toxicology tests have established that the couple did not die of carbon monoxide poisoning.

"Their home has been sealed in case we had to carry out a further examination of the scene, but that would not now appear to be necessary.''

The spokesman said it was not unknown for an elderly couple to die within hours of each other.

He added: "It has happened a few times to my knowledge but it's still unusual, which is why we were hanging on for the toxicology report.

"The findings will be sent to the coroner's officer.

"If the coroner isn't happy he might ask us to re-open our investigation, but I think that's unlikely. We're satisfied there was no foul play and no third party involvement.''

One of the pensioners was found in the kitchen and the other was discovered a few feet away in the dining room.

A post-mortem examination showed they died of natural causes, but did not explain why the deaths occurred almost simultaneously. Now toxicology tests have also failed to clear up the mystery.

A neighbour said: "They were a nice couple and it'll be a shame if the questions surrounding their deaths are never fully answered."