A LEADING southern businesswoman has led the way in bringing the next world congress of international female entrepreneurs to Britain.

Avril Owton was part of the President's team at the 51st Congress for Women Entrepreneurs held last week in Mauritius, when it was decided that the venue for the next annual gathering would be staged in Glasgow.

The annual congress in Mauritius was attended by 250 delegates from 30 countries and it was opened by the island's Prime Minister and closed by its President, demonstrating the level of importance of the organisation. Avril, a vice-president of the British woman entrepreneurs organisation, is also owner of The Cloud Hotel in Brockenhurst.

"It is most exciting to mix with vibrant women from so many cultures," said the former Hampshire Businesswoman of the Year. "It had a packed schedule of seminars, many discussing business development around the world, speeches from international businesswomen and awards including the FCEM Entrepreneur of the World Award.

Avril, a recognised speaker herself on the seminar and business circuit, is passionate about helping women to reach their full potential.