A GROUP of Eastleigh residents are furious they have been cold-shouldered over road closure plans they fear could seriously disrupt their lives.

Residents of the Gardens Estate knew nothing about plans to shut streets they rely on daily for anything up to 18 months - until the day the works were scheduled to begin.

A tiny sign put up on October 13 told people living in Cranbury Road, Desborough Road and Grantham Road that the sewerage and building works could start that day.

Now pensioners and parents are living with uncertainty that work could start in their streets any day without warning.

They say they received no letters telling them of the event and they claim a meeting to discuss details of the works has been postponed indefinitely.

Pensioner Peter Watson said: "The council has had the right to block this road from the day they put the sign up, the crafty devils.

"It's dreadful - they've known about this for months and they haven't warned us."

Pat Hassell, treasurer of Cranbury and Desborough Residents' Assoc-iation said residents had been dogged by property development in Desborough Road for years.

She said: "We don't know when they're actually going to close the road because they haven't let us know.

"Why haven't we had any letters to tell us about this?

"This is the last straw. This is why we formed the residents' group to try to make the council take notice."

A spokesman for Eastleigh Council confirmed the works were due to start but said they would not begin until after the meeting.

He said residents would receive a letter stating the time of the meeting - when it had been confirmed.

He said: "To allow demolition of the existing flats and the installation of a new sewer for the site, Atlantic Housing requested the council to make an order to close parts of Cranbury Road, Desborough Road and Grantham Road.

"The council has made the road closure order, but it is understood that no work will take place prior to a public meeting to be held at the Cranbury Centre later this month or early next month.