KEMPSHOTT Women's Institute is holding its monthly meeting at Kempshott Village Hall, off Pack Lane, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Monday, October 27, entitled "A Girl's Life in the Army," by Mrs G Cane.

ST MARK'S Church would like to thank all those who contributed to the local harvest gift distribution, especially the local schools and pre-schools. A total of 110 individual parcels were deilvered locally to May Place, Deeside, and Age Concern.

ALDWORTH PTA - calling all craft stall holders: Aldworth PTA is holding a Christmas fayre on Saturday, December 6, from 2pm to 5pm, at Aldworth Science College in Western Way, Basingstoke. The cost is £15 for a maximum of two tables. To make a booking, ring Sharon on 01256 473698.

DES and Mel: Would you like to go along and be in the audience for the lunchtime show on ITV1 situated at Teddington on Tuesday, November 18.

There's only the coach cost to pay. If you are interested, please call 467623.