TWO teenagers have been charged in connection with a vandal attack on a Portchester school that caused £2,000 of damage.

A 15-year-old from Fareham and a 14-year-old from Porchester were arrested over the weekend and charged with burglary with intent to cause criminal damage following a number of calls from the public after an appeal was made for information in the Daily Echo.

Fareham police praised the efforts of the Daily Echo with the inquiry. Sergeant Pat Dawson said: "We would like to thank the Daily Echo for its help with this matter.

''It was thanks to the appeal that a reader saw in the paper that a name was put forward, and we were able to act on that information."

The youths were charged after allegedly breaking into Wicor Primary School a week ago. A fire extinguisher was let off and paint thrown around two classrooms, damaging school equipment and pupils' work. The pair are due to appear at South Hampshire Youth Court later this month.