THIS is the face of a bogus double glazing salesman believed to be targeting homes in Southampton.

The image was released today by officers from the city's burglary investigation unit in the hope that someone would recognise the conman.

Police believe the bogus double glazing seller was behind a Southampton burglary earlier this month in which a laptop computer was stolen.

The man was seen knocking on doors in Hanley Road, Upper Shirley, where, when challenged by a member of the public, he claimed to be carrying out a double glazing survey.

Police believe he used the scam to check whether or not people were at home.

Witnesses have told police he was knocking on doors in the area around 11am on Monday, October 6.

The same character was later seen leaving one of the properties carrying a black hold-all.

Police inquiries later confirmed the hold-all had come from the house - and a silver Dell laptop computer had also been stolen.

Now investigating officers have released an artist's impression of the burglar, compiled with the help of a witness.

The conman is described as being white, in his late teens or early 20s, 5ft 10in, slim, with short messy blonde hair, wearing a black thigh-length coat.

Anyone who recognises him or has other information is urged to call PC Tim Doyle at Southampton's burglary investigation unit on 023 8059 9997.

Alternatively, ring the free and anonymous Southern Crimestop-pers hotline on 0800 555 111.