A RECYCLING scheme finally swung into action across parts of Southampton today following weeks of controversy.

The Bassett area was the first part of the city to try out the new fortnightly green collection scheme.

Today residents in Highclere Road gave a mixed reaction to having to fill their new blue-lidded bins with items such as tins and bottles to be recycled.

Brian Clatworthy, 52, said: ''We have had a job this week to fill the new bin because we buy stuff that is biodegradable anyway.

''It is all a bit confusing to know what can be recycled and what can't. It is not really a problem for us but a monthly collection would probably be enough.''

Neighbour Rosemary Parker, 62, who has lived in the road for 36 years, added: ''I was too keen on the idea originally as there are only two of us in the house.

''Our bin was less than half full this week and it causes extra washing up with things like dog food tins and bottles.

''I am in favour of recycling but I think they are starting with the wrong end and should be speaking to the manufacturers about packaging.''

Mrs Parker said she was concerned about how much other household waste would build up within a two-week period before her other bin was collected.

The system came into force today after causing a storm of protest among city residents over the past few weeks.

Some feared that bringing in fortnightly collection of household waste could cause major health problems with household waste left for two weeks before being picked up.

And despite a campaign against the moves and an overwhelming vote against it by opposition councillors, the council's ruling Liberal Democrat group pushed the scheme through.