A YOUNG band of musical pirates from Gosport are setting sail for London next weekend to perform at Her Majesty's theatre, Haymarket.

Gosport Amateur Operatic Society Junior Section (JUSE) recently performed The Pirates of Penzance at Crofton Community Centre in Stubbing-ton.

The 30 youngsters, who range in age from eight to 16, will now perform excerpts from the show at a gala evening at Her Majesty's.

The aim of the evening is to take the cream of Britain's youth theatre and give them the chance to experience presenting on a professional stage.

JUSE producer Audrey Pring said: "As well as extracts from Pirates, JUSE will join in the grand finale which is put together in just one day ready for the evening performance so it means a lot of hard work for the youngsters and is a wonderful experience."