BUSINESSES in Basingstoke have come forward to give their backing to a local fundraising event.

The Basingstoke branch of The National Childbirth Trust has seen a big response from shops at Festival Place for its "Ladies Night" on Friday.

Retailers including ELC, Debenhams, The Bear Factory, Lush, The Entertainer, Tchibo and Marks and Spencer have donated prizes for the night, which will feature 30 stalls selling a range of products, such as jewellery, plants, soaps and gifts.

Branch member Nicky Parker recently met with Jane Stewart, the marketing manager for Festival Place, to express the trust's thanks.

Other Basingstoke businesses that have also donated prizes include Beechdown Health Club, Arc Hairdressing and Asda.

The ladies night will take place at Popley Fields Community Centre on Friday from 7pm to 10.30pm. Tickets are available by calling 01256 840782.