NO WONDER the Kings BAT team show such good teamwork. The girls are all the best of friends and when they're not on the netball court they're out on the dance floor together.

Theirs is a well-established team in the Southampton Premier League.

They also put on their fancy dress every year to attend Brean Sands Netball Tournament and always have a great time. It's not all about winning for the girls as they get on so well.

When Kings took on Basingstoke they were meeting the new team on the block.

In the first five minutes Annie Livesey, who was playing wing defence, took a nasty tumble and had to be carried off court.

Luckily nothing was broken or torn, just slightly twisted. And it meant Kings had to bring on a new player and change the team combination.

Basingstoke were playing with five players in the first quarter as the rest of the girls had got stuck in traffic so Kings had the advantage.

But Basingstoke held Kings off well and led 10-8 at the end of the quarter.

There was a lot of end-to-end court play but not much shooting from either team.

Watching Kings, you could easily tell they had played with each other for a while as they knew just where to place that ball where a team member could pick it up.

At half time a few changes were made as Kings went up a gear and started to pull the lead back.

Kings play nice, steady netball, which is nice to watch but, near the end of the game, Basingstoke just had the edge and they won 46-42.


Tasher Ordish - a contract administrator when not on the court, she likes to go out clubbing with friends in Bournemouth.

Ellen Cartwright - 19 and training to be a nurse at Kings College, London to keep up her fitness for netball, regularly attending a circuit training class. She also likes to go out drinking with friends.

Claire Headington - currently a youth worker. In her spare time she likes to party and is currently the team's party organiser.

Annie Livesey - a PE teacher at Oakwood School who, in her spare time, likes to go to the cinema and socialise with her friends.

Rachel Pepper - training to be an accountant. She goes out drinking with friends regularly when she is not running about on court. She told me she is a right flirt, the tart of the team! But she does not currently have a boyfriend!

Sam Hawkins - likes to go out clubbing and shopping. A 20-year-old training to be a teacher at King Alfred's, Winchester.

Vicky Ordish - the other sport she takes a great interest in is badminton. She is also the mother of Tasher and, when not playing either badminton or netball she likes to coach junior netball.

Karen Hoyle - Likes netball so much she plays for another team down in Gosport called Jets. When she's not playing netball she likes to go out and socialise with the girls.


National Clubs Junior qualifying rounds for 16 and U19s this Sunday. South West tournament at Bournemouth on Sunday. Good luck to local clubs entering.

County training this Tuesday at Millbrook School - indoors.

Good luck to Weston Park and Fleming Park with their Poly games on Saturday.