BASINGSTOKE residents have helped raised valuable funds for cancer care as part of The World's Biggest Coffee Morning.

The day is Macmillan's largest fundraising event of the year and has raised more than £20million across the country for people living with cancer in its 13-year history.

Among the many coffee mornings in Basingstoke on Friday was one organised by Tricia Heighway, of Monarch Close, Hatch Warren, at Cliddesden Village Hall.

Tricia, a nurse at Basingstoke hospital, said: "We raised £80 plus and all different ages came along from young mums to older ladies.

"It was a good crowd. I'd like to see the money go to the Macmillan nurses I work with at the hospital."

Staff from Management and Employment Training (MET) at Basingstoke College Of Technology also supported Macmillan Cancer Relief by selling cakes.

Fellow college employees and students were invited to purchase cakes, order Christmas cards from the Macmillan gift catalogue or enter a "Win a Car" competition.

There was also a collection box in the college's coffee shop.

Organiser Lesley Smith said: "We raised in excess of £150 from the cake sale, plus a further £35 in loose change from the coffee shop. With some extra donations still to come in, we will have raised more than £200."

Funds from the coffee mornings help pay for counselling centres, specialist Macmillan medical staff, buildings for cancer patients and grants for patients with financial difficulties.

The charity is hoping to raise £3.5million nationwide.