NEARLY 100 people crowded into a village hall near Winchester to celebrate its 90-year history, which draws to a close soon with the sale of the building.

Villagers in Colden Common gathered in the parish hall to celebrate its history and to reminisce. The building is almost certain to be sold to a developer and demolished.

The evening was hosted by the Ninth Winchester (Colden Common) Scout Group, providing refreshments, old photos and film of the village in years gone by.

The problem has been that the hall lost much of its business when the new community centre opened in St Vigor Way in the early 1990s. It is deteriorating rapidly.

Derek Conway, the Scouts' chairman, said: "It has been a good and faithful servant, but like a faithful pet the time comes when it has to be put down.

"It's damp, needs re-roofing and new toilets. It is long past its sell-by date."

Villager Gaynor Worman said: "It has been a tremendous place and we have all had good times there."

The Scout group now urgently needs new premises.