ANDOVER couple Vernon and Lilian Roberts have celebrated a remarkable achievement - 70 years of marriage.

Friends and family, including two grandchildren and two great grandchildren, gathered to congratulate the couple at a platinum wedding anniversary party held in their Milton Avenue home.

Lilian, aged 89, is Andover born and bred whereas Vernon, aged 93, is a true Welshman and rugby fan - hailing from Bryn Amman.

The pair met when Vernon was posted to the area by the RAF, which led to a worrying time for Lilian years later when her husband was captured as a prisoner of war in Japan.

Lilian, a former civil servant, has been acknowledged by the Red Cross for her work in running the St Anne's Old People's Club in Andover.

The Roberts think the reason they've lasted so long is because they each have their own interests.

Lilian, said: "We have just plodded along in our own way.

"Having our own things to do does help.

"But one thing we always agreed on is that we both used to love going caravanning together."