YOUNGSTERS at Portway Junior School in Andover have enjoyed five days of activities as part of book week.

With the focus on English, a number of visitors spent time with pupils working of a variety of projects.

Visits included storyteller and singer Graham Rogers, who gave the youngsters ideas for creative writing, Kerry Barnes, who worked with years three and four on writing for a purpose, and Ken Dykes, former editor of the Andover Advertiser, who gave advice to year six on how to produce a newspaper.

The week ended with a visit from Harrow Way School drama teacher John Baxter, who did some work on Macbeth, and the chance for everyone to dress up as their favourite book characters.

Teacher Annie Lowing said: "The week went really well. The year three children made books for younger readers, year four made leaflets for the year twos coming up next year and the year six went around the school photographing and interviewing people and produced a newsletter.

"Each class also had to make a big book with their best work and we have chosen the best four and will put them in the library."