MEMBERS of Alresford's business community are getting up even earlier to meet and discuss local issues.

The town's chamber of commerce has launched a retailers' breakfast of bacon butties and strong coffee, on offer at 7.30am tomorrow.

Local businesses will have the opportunity to air their grievances or make suggestions for improving trading conditions in the town.

Chamber chairman Andrew Merry said: "We always try to vary our meeting times to suit the different types of businesses in Alresford.

"We find that some retailers just can't make lunchtime meetings, either because they are too busy or because they are short-staffed, so we thought we would try a totally new concept.

"We hope that this kind of meeting will prove to be a great wake-up call for local businesses and, if it is successful, there will be more early morning calls in the future." The retailers' breakfast at The Globe on the Lake is free thanks to sponsorship by Nikki Barker of the Old Fire Station.