A FAMOUS racing yacht once used as a humble house boat has made a welcome return to its birthplace in Hampshire.

The historic J Class vessel Velsheda is undergoing maintenance at the boat yard where she was first launched in 1933.

Up to 20 workers at the Camper and Nicholsons yard in Gosport are spending ten days getting the Velsheda prepared for sail trials and the Isle of Wight's Round the Island Race on June 21.

Velsheda was active in British regattas until 1936 before languishing as a house boat on a mud berth at the River Hamble near Southampton.

In the 1980s Velsheda was restored locally, followed by a rebuild in the city a decade later.

Yesterday boatyard bosses and guests held a formal "welcome home" reception at Camper and Nicholsons.

Velsheda is due to be lifted back into the water at 7am on Monday following repairs.