ANDOVER'S police division is the only area in Hampshire to see a reduction in crime but the fear of crime is still high.

The Andover division covering Andover, Stockbridge and Weyhill has seen a reduction in overall crime. There were falls of 29.5 per cent and 28 per cent in house burglary and car crime respectively.

This equates to 66 less houses burgled and 149 cars left intact.

However, more than 61.7 per cent of people in Andover fear crime and during Andover Councillors' Forum this week Cllr Robin Hughes said fear of crime was much harder to control than the crimes themselves.

But Supt Mark Chatterton, Andover's divisional commander, told the forum: "We intend to improve foot patrol levels to provide increasing reassurance to the public as we recognise the importance of this activity in making people feel safer."