Are you one of the many people who frequently drive into and around Winchester in a car with empty seats?

There are many aged, housebound, or disabled residents who would love to do their own shopping, collect pensions or library books, or simply take a trip out to admire the countryside.

In our busy and often selfish lives, it is easy to be unaware of the difficulties our neighbours may be facing. Many organisations simply cannot respond to pleas for help through lack of drivers.

The Volunteer Bureau gets regular requests from people who need a lift to the hospital, dentist, chiropodist, friendship club, shops, library - the list is endless.

Most journeys are short and do not take more than an hour. Other errands, such as shopping, or picking up prescriptions could be included in a trip you were making anyway.

Winchester Volunteer Bureau has a small team who can provide an individual service for those seeking to help. They will put volunteers in touch with any of the 15 organisations that are currently seeking drivers.

Volunteers can elect to offer a regular service, for example, one morning a week, or on an ad hoc basis.

You will receive travel expenses for any journeys, gratitude from the person you assist and a feeling of satisfaction that you have helped someone less fortunate than you.

l Call Sue Heath-Caldwell, or David Bradshaw, on 01962 841383