AN ambitious community project will shine some light on the history of one of the area's most famous churches.

A light and sound show is being held in St Margaret's Church, Wellow, on four nights in September.

The idea came from Jean Clark, editor of the parish magazine, who said: "Its very unusual for a small village to put on a show like this but I thought Wellow Church would lend itself to a son et lumiere. There is a lot of history surrounding the church and it is such a lovely spot. "

Son et lumiere are often performed outside but the Wellow event will be within the church itself because the layout of the St Margaret's churchyard makes seating a large audience impossible. However, the exterior of the church, which dates from 1215, will be illuminated for the occasion.

The script for the show is being written by members of Willow History Society and the narrator will be Alan Lambourne, a well-known voice on hospitals radio in Southampton. A former resident of the village, Robert Owen, has been commissioned to write the score.

The pre-recorded soundtrack will also feature the voices of Wellow Schoolchildren and war songs sung by Romsey Male Voice Choir.

The sound and lights for the 90-minute show are being co-ordinated by technical director Hugh Rose.

Proceeds from the event, to be held on September 24th to 27th, will go to the church.