A LATE night conversation about netball turned serious for three employees of law firm Shoosmiths - when they set up their own team!

It may have been the drink, but Ramona Derbyshire, a fellow trainee and the firm's accounts manager all decided how brilliant it would be to play netball again.

Amazingly, it still seemed a good idea nexy morning - and other people thought so too! The boys always seemed to be getting football and cricket teams together, so why not give the girls their chance?

It turned out there was no lack of support and trainees all across the Shoosmith offices sent the girls company polo shirts to wear so at least they could look professional when they play.

Wyckham House School in Fareham have also donated their netball courts on a Thursday night to them so the team can practice, so it all seems to be coming together.

A few practices on and they are looking pretty good. Secretaries, fee earners, trainees and support staff have all joined in and given it their all.

On average it has been about ten years for most people since leaving school and last playing netball, but they have found that, once you get back on court, it is startling how much comes back, even if it is only the rules. The skills come later!

Now the Shoosmiths team are looking for other teams to play, especially other firms and businesses who may have just set up their own team.


Goal shooter - Lisa Price is an accounts manager but definitely not your normal accountant. After skiing for the first time this year, Lisa is now up for anything. She last played netball in a charity 24-hour event. Vital in getting the team to know the rules.

Goal shooter - Secretary Kate Courderc has made her presence felt on the netball court with her sharp shooting

Goal attack - Michelle Wise. It is definitely the winning and not playing the game for commercial solicitor Michelle! Give her a beer afterwards, her Welsh accent appears and she has the team in stitches with her stories

Wing attack - Rachel Justice. They all thought the trainee solicitor was a gentle, nice young lady, until she got onto the netball court. She did warn the team that at school she used to get sent off. They believe her now!

Centre - Mini Setty. The employment solicitor is feisty in the courtroom - and on the netball court. Despite her mini size, Mini is crucial on the court and a great team booster

Wing defence - Merle Scarrett, a secretary, is always immaculate - but get her on the netball court and she's manic. Has boundless energy - and the rules really don't come into her game!

Goal defence - Ramona Derbyshire. A trainee solicitor (litigation department), Derbyshire organises the team but hopes she has not been too bossy. She has wanted to set up the team so that the girls get the chance to play.

Has been amazed at the willingness to jump around the netball court despite having not played for, on average, ten years.

Goal keeper - Claire Stevens, business development executive Claire recently married and is now looking for a house - but still manages to play for the team

If you would like to have a friendly fixture against the team, please e-mail Ramona on Ramona.Derbyshire@shootsmiths.co.uk