Saints skipper Jason Dodd has taken one last-gasp gamble to realise his dream of playing in an FA Cup final.

Dodd has had an injection in his ankle in a bid to make the May 17 showdown with Arsenal after being told the injury will require surgery.

The 33-year-old, who has been at the club for 14 years, limped off against Fulham over a month ago with a bruised foot and three stud holes which have yet to heal after kicking the bottom of an opponent's foot.

He also sustained damage to his ankle which needs surgery but the Saints stalwart is hoping the injection may allow him to lead out his side at the Millennium Stadium next month.

He said: "I went to see the specialist on Tuesday and there was every chance I could have gone under the knife there and then.

"If he had gone ahead then that would have been it for the season.

"But he said there was a slight chance that an injection might get me through to the end of the season.

"It is only a slim chance but with so much at stake it is one I have got to try and take.

"If we were not in the final then I would have had the operation this week or maybe even earlier.

"But the FA Cup final is something special so I have to try everything I can to be part of it."

Dodd also admitted that even if he could get a place on the bench it would mean a great deal to him.

"I would not expect to play because Paul Telfer has done superbly and I have been out for a few weeks now," said Dodd.

"But even to be on the bench would be fantastic for me.

"I have not had many injury problems in the last few seasons but Sod's Law it happens now.

"First I had a calf problem and now this.

"It would have to be when we reach the final after all these years - it is just desperate timing.

"I know I will need an op at the end of the season if not before but I am just hoping this will do the trick.

"I should know in the next couple of days when I start running on it.

"If it eases the pain then I will have a chance, if not then I will have the op and that will be that."

Physio Jim Joyce added: "His right foot and ankle have not been totally pain-free since the Fulham game.

"He did attempt to get back training before and after the semi-final but it became increasingly sore.

"The consultant has given him a steroid injection to see if it will settle it down and give him a chance of playing before the end of the season. He will need surgery though either before or after the end of the campaign.

"The recovery time for that is between four and six weeks so if he has the op now then it will put him out of the clash at Cardiff but this injection has given him an outside chance of making it."

Meanwhile, Antti Niemi has had an injection in his injured knee and hopes to be fit for next Saturday's St Mary's clash with Bolton.