SIXTY weapons - including a rifle dating from the First World War and a pre-1900 musket - have been handed into Basingstoke police station during the gun amnesty.

A steady flow of weapons and ammunition has been received at the town station since the start of the amnesty at the beginning of this month and the haul features weapons from both world wars.

A Second World War Russian Nagant rifle has been surrendered as well as two German Second World War rifles, a First World War rifle, replica pistols, air pistols, Lee Enfield rifles, shotguns, ammunition and some flares.

The national firearms amnesty, which runs until the end of this month, is aimed at getting as many guns as possible out of circulation.

Weapons can be handed in at Basingstoke police station between the hours of 7am and midnight.

The amnesty allows people to surrender weapons and ammunition without fear of prosecution and underpins a tightening of guns laws.

This includes legislation to be introduced at a future date which will make it an offence to possess a replica fire- arm or air weapon in a public place without reasonable excuse or lawful authority.

In the whole of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, more than 500 firearms have been handed in to the police during the amnesty to date, together with 16,029 rounds of ammunition and 208 knives.

In the neighbouring Thames Valley area, nearly 300 guns have been surrendered so far, including 38 weapons in the West Berkshire area.