PLANS to breath new life into a Southampton housing estate were stepped up a gear as residents helped launch a multi-million- pound project to reshape their community.

Architects, planners, street designers and costing experts have been drafted in to help launch the latest phase of the £48.7m New Deal for Communities project to regenerate Thornhill.

Terence O'Rourke architecture and consultancy firm hosted an open day at St Christopher's Church in Pepy's Avenue in which residents were encouraged to say what they wanted for their community.

As well as sharing their opinions, visitors took the opportunity to mark on a huge aerial map of the district the exact areas where they felt action was needed.

A number of issues were raised including parking problems and a lack of play areas for children.

Tony Sizer, 76, of Sparding Road, said: "There's a lot of space in Thornhill but there's not sufficient space for kids to play football."

The outcome of the project, also involving companies Shepheard Epstein Hunter, Mayor Brown and Dearle Herderson, will greatly depend on the feedback received at three workshops to take place over the coming months.

Peter Frankum of Terence O'Rourke said blocks of flats could be converted to rows of terraced housing if that was what residents wanted.

Vital to the success of the programme and the New Deal for Communities scheme in general is the ongoing involvement of the residents it will affect, he said.

Board member and liaison for the new project Wendy Smith took a hands-on approach to attracting people to the open day by hailing people around Thornhill with a megaphone.

She said: "Once the money runs out all we'll have left is the community so it's really important the community are involved at every stage along the way."

Dates and times of the workshops to be held at Medwall Court, Tatwin Close: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Tuesday, April 29, 6pm to 9pm; Ideas For Change - Wednesday, May 28, 6pm to 9pm; Getting It Right - Wednesday, July 9, 6pm to 9pm.